Free Photoshop Actions yes please!
Maybe you just want to sharpen a certain area of the image such as the eyes or eyelashes on the baby. Now you can record your own Actions that allow you to sharpen the images quickly as this action includes recording your own brush that will automatically be selected for you to just start painting over the area without stopping to find the brush you need.
Sharpen Details Action
The first step is to create your own brush to use to brush over the areas that require sharpening such as the eyes and lips in a portrait.
To create the brush.
- Select the brush icon and change the settings to 15% flow, 100% Opacity and Blending Mode Normal.
- Set the brush size to be similar to what you use when brushing over areas that need sharpening.
- Set the brush foreground color to be white.
- Click on the Brush size icon, in the top panel. On the right in the drop down panel click the + icon.
- Tick the Capture Brush Size in Preset , Include Tool Settings and Include color boxes.
- Name the brush. Click Ok.
Before Sharpen Details
Before you start recording . Make sure there are a few layers in the layers panel. In this video for the action to work at the final stage of editing the layers will be merged into a stamp visible layer. If you do not see your Actions Panel. Navigate to the Window menu and choose Window > Actions.
- Click on the + in the Action’s Panel to create a new action.
- Name the action. Hit Record.
- Create a stamp visible layer. Shift/Alt/Command E
- Right Click on that layer and Convert to Smart Object.
- Actions Panel click on the hamburger menu on the right.
- Select Insert Menu Item.
- Filter – Other – High Pass – Ok.
- Then change the layer blending mode to Linear Light and change the opacity to 40%
- Click on the layers name and change to Sharpen Details.
- Add a color to the side bar of that layer. To do this right click in eye toggle bar and choose a color.
- Add an inverted mask to the layer. Alt/click on the mask icon on the bottom of the layers panel.
- Select the brush icon in the tools panel.
- Select the saved details brush you created.
- Stop recording the Action.
- Delete the layer created and Press Play on the Action just created.
- When you get to the High Pass Filter slider. Moving the slider to the right increases the sharpness and left decreases.
- I like to move the slider to where the details just start to come through. Click ok.
- As we recorded the brush selection, just start brushing over the area that needs sharpening.
Tip: This Action can be used to sharpen eyelashes, combined with How to add lashes in Photoshop Tutorial
How to record a Global Sharpen Action in Photoshop.
First step is to open the Actions Panel. Navigate to the Window menu and choose Window > Actions.
- Click on the + in the Action’s Panel to create a new action.
- Name the action. Hit Record.
- Create a stamp visible layer. Shift/Alt/Command E
- Right Click on that layer and Convert to Smart Object.
- Actions Panel click on the hamburger menu on the right.
- Select Insert Menu Item.
- Filter – Other – High Pass – Ok. Right click for the option.
- In the layers panel on the layer change the Blending Mode to Overlay and the Opacity to 40%.
- Name the layer Global Sharpen
- Right click on the eye to select a colour for that layer.
- Stop Recording the Action
- Delete the layer just created and test the Action.
- Move the slider the right to sharpen the image.
The beauty of this Global Sharpen Action that you just created is that totally adjustable. Either by changing the opacity of the layer or by right clicking on the layer and Edit smart filter.
Now that you have created this Action, how about creating a Healing Layer Action.
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