Lets talk about brush settings. This time the brush settings to create lashes. Lashes can certainly make a person look more awake and add to the eyes. However sometimes just a few extra lashes maybe need. So here are the settings I used to edit this image and to add lashes. This is a very simplified approach and it works.
Brush Settings to add Lashes in Photoshop.
- Select Brush
- Opacity 100, Flow 80 Smoothing 10%
- Brush Settings
- Shape Dynamics on fade 40
- Size jitter 30
- Min diameter 60
- Angle jitter 38
- Create a New Layer
- Sample the lash colour.
- Vary the brush pixel size, start at 2px
- And brush on the lashes.
- Use the eraser tool to remove if you feel you have gone too far.
Tips and Tricks.
- Adding a noise filter to the layer can add more texture to the hair if needed.
- These settings can also be used to add eyebrow hair.
- Ideally working with a pen and tablet.
- Make sure to uncheck the shape dynamics and smoothing boxes to revert back to normal brush settings. Before continuing on with editing.
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