Correcting purple newborn skin tones

Camera Raw Tutorial: Correcting purple newborn skin tones.

Correcting purple newborn skin tones is a straightforward process, especially when dealing with significant color shifts, as illustrated in the image below. It’s not uncommon for newborns to exhibit bluish-purple discoloration in their hands and feet due to poor circulation, a natural occurrence as their circulatory system develops after birth. While this discoloration is harmless…

Legacy Healing Tool Vs the Current Default Healing tool.

Legacy Healing Tool Vs the Current Default Healing tool.

Following on from the previous post I thought I would just share why I don’t use the Legacy Healing Tool. The Legacy Healing Tool uses the Photoshop CC 2014 and earlier Healing Brush algorithm. The current version sample is now real time and uses a different algorithm. Some still prefer the Legacy settings and that is why the option to select Legacy Healing tool is found in the top bar in Photoshop when the Healing Tool is selected.

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