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Free Email Opt-In Form Template

We’ve all heard it!
Grow your email list. Speed up the process with these 3 free email opt- in form templates that you can add to your website now.

3 Email Opt-In Forms

  • Kadence WP Theme
  • Kadence Blocks
  • Gutenberg Page Builder

Check your email for the license key and the url.

Create a new page or post.

Click on the design library and the + add in the license key as the url and connect to the free library.

Watch video here

Ready to start building your email list?

Free email opt-in form template

Need to grow your email list?


  1. Don’t know how to create a form.
  2. Not sure on what style of form will suit the page.
  3. Don’t have time to create different email opt- in forms.

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Enter your email to download our free ebook

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